Reporting standards

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Reporting Standards

TotalEnergies believes that transparency is an essential principle of action in order to provide clear information to investors, the regulator and to the general public.

With the willingness to make performance indicators available to all its stakeholders, TotalEnergies provides additional information.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international, multi-stakeholder and independent non-profit organization that promotes economic, environmental and social sustainability. The GRI was established in 1997 in partnership with the United Nations’ Environment Programme (UNEP).

The organization has developed Sustainability Reporting Guidelines that strive to increase the transparency and accountability of economic, environmental, and social performance and provides all companies and organizations with a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world.

In 2021, GRI adopted a new framework to which TotalEnergies refers since 2023 and in particular:

TotalEnergies’ GRI index table is based on various sources of information, all produced by the Company: 2023 Universal Registration Document (“URD 2023”), Sustainability & Climate 2024 Progress Report, the Company corporate website, etc.

TotalEnergies – GRI standards content index

  • Reporting period: 1st January - 31st December 2023

See our 2023 GRI reporting (in English only)

Global Compact

The United Nations created the Global Compact in 2000 following a call by its Secretary-General urging businesses to play an active role in the globalization process.

It is grounded on a universal and voluntary framework of “Ten Principles” related to human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption.

TotalEnergies' commitment

The Company upholds the Global Compact since 2002. It reiterates each year its commitment to the Global Compact’s Ten Principles. This commitment is explicitly stated in the Company’s Code of conduct.

TotalEnergies' yearly Communication on Progress is made at the GC-Advanced level since 2012. In 2022, TotalEnergies participated in the “Early Adopter Programme” to publish its new Communication on Progress in accordance with the Global Compact questionnaire.

The Company is a member of the Global Compact France, and the teams actively contribute to the Human rights Working Group.

See our 2023 Communication on Progress

TotalEnergies’ page on the Global Compact website

Furthermore, TotalEnergies participates in a theme-based action platform within the Global Compact framework dedicated to oceans (the Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition).

The Ten Principles

The Company’s actions to address its sustainability challenges

Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations and its member States adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define a framework for the years to 2030 for addressing the global issues of poverty, protection of the planet, peace and prosperity. On the strength of their financial resources and capacity for innovation, businesses are called to contribute in furthering that agenda as a means of collectively addressing the challenges of sustainable development.

The Company pledged in 2016 its support to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and has designed its sustainability framework so as to make a genuinely significant contribution to that joint effort.

TotalEnergies’ approach to SDG reporting

TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its strategy, its projects and operations in order to contribute to the well-being of the population. As part of its determination to strengthen its efforts in the segments in which it can act with most authority as an integrated multi-energy Company, TotalEnergies involves its employees in identifying the SDGs on which it can have the greatest impact, in connection with its ambition to reach carbon neutrality (net zero emissions) by 2050, together with society.

As a member of the Global Compact’s Reporting on the SDGs Action Platform, TotalEnergies based its reporting tables on the Analysis of the Goals and Targets published since 2017.

TotalEnergies’ contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG standards content index

Reporting period: 2023

Access our 2023 SDG reporting (.pdf)


The CDP (which was called the Carbon Disclosure Project until the end of 2012) is a not-for-profit organization which aim is to study the implications of climate change for the world's principal publicly traded companies. The CDP has a permanent administrative office based in London and a staff of 50.

Since 2002, the CDP has conducted an annual survey to collect information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by companies. Its questionnaire of more than 100 questions has included a specific oil & gas section since 2010.
TotalEnergies has been responding to the CDP's annual survey on climate change since 2003. Our responses are published on the CDP's website.

In 2022, TotalEnergies has achieved an A- rating in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire, placing it in the Leadership category among the best companies of its sector (“implementing current best practices”). The Company has obtained a B rating in the CDP Water Security questionnaire.

TotalEnergies’ response to the 2022 CDP Climate Change questionnaire (pdf - 1 Mo)

TotalEnergies’ response to the 2023 CDP Climate Change questionnaire (pdf - 1 Mo)

TotalEnergies' response to the 2022 CDP Water questionnaire (PDF - 391 Ko)

TotalEnergies' response to the 2023 CDP Water questionnaire (PDF - 596 Ko)


In June 2017, the TCFD (Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) of the G20’s Financial Stability Board published its final recommendations on information pertaining to climate to be released by companies. These recommendations include additional details for certain sectors, such as energy.

TotalEnergies publicly announced its support for the TCFD and its recommendations and has implemented them since its 2017 annual report.

TotalEnergies continued discussions by taking part in the Oil & Gas Preparer Forum, which published, in July 2018, the best practices on the disclosure of climate-related information and on the implementation of TCFD recommendations by the four companies that are members of the Forum (Eni, Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies) with the support of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).

Read Patrick Pouyanné's letter to M. Bloomberg, Chairman of TCFD

In 2019, TotalEnergies also took part in the first task force set up by the EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) Reporting Lab on Climate-related disclosures, which aims to identify the best practices in this area. This task force published the results of its work in February 2020.

In accordance with the latest TCFD recommendations published in October 2021(Guidance on Metrics, Targets and Transition Plan), a series of indicators and targets specific to climate risks is also being studied to facilitate reconciliation with financial performance data.

Within the scope of its 2021 non-financial performance statement, TotalEnergies applied the TCFD recommendations to disclose its climate challenges.

Download TotalEnergies' 2021 TFCD correspondence table

World Economic Forum

In 2017, CEOs from the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (WEF/IBC) issued the “Compact for Responsive and Responsible Leadership”, which was signed by more than 140 CEOs. The Compact states that "society is best served by corporations that have aligned their goals to the long‑term goals of society” and identifies the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the roadmap for such alignment.

In 2019, the WEF/IBC launched a project for how its members could measure and disclose meaningful and relevant aspects of their performance on environmental, social and governance matters and their contribution to progress on the SDGs on a consistent and comparable basis.

In January 2020, the WEF/IBC launched a white paper titled "Toward Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation” with a first proposal for a common, core set of metrics and recommended disclosures that IBC members could use to align their mainstream reporting. The report incorporated well‑established metrics and disclosures for the express purpose of building upon the extensive and rigorous work that has already been done by existing reporting standards.

Following a period of dialogue between the WEF/IBC and companies during the spring and summer 2020, the “Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism - Towards common metrics and consistent reporting” report was published in September 2020, which included 21 core ESG metrics and 34 expanded metrics, along 4 pillars: Governance, Planet, People and Prosperity.

TotalEnergies supports the World Economic Forum’s initiative to propose common ESG metrics for all companies and started to report on the WEF/IBC’s proposed core metrics in its 2020 annual report.

TotalEnergies’ 2023 disclosures of the WEF/IBC proposed Core ESG metrics


SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) was launched in 2011 as an independent standard-setting entity in order to develop industry-specific sustainability disclosure standards tied to the concept of materiality for investors (i.e. sustainable topics that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on financial performance).

SASB has developed a complete set of 77 industry-specific standards which were published in November 2018. They identify the minimal set of sustainability topics and their associated metrics that are financially material, and which a typical company in an industry should disclose.

TotalEnergies adopted the SASB standards in 2020, starting with the implementation of the SASB’s Oil & Gas Exploration & Production standard.

The following document constitutes the latest update of this reporting.

TotalEnergies’ disclosures in accordance with SASB Oil & Gas Exploration & Production standard


The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) are a set of non-binding principles negotiated by governments, energy sector companies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) promoted by the VPSHR Initiative.

The VPSHR Initiative was established in 2000 to address the challenges faced by companies in implementing security measures of their operations while respecting and promoting the human rights and fundamental freedoms. Composed of governments, international NGOs, and companies from the energy sector, this multistakeholder Initiative allows members to strengthen their capacity to address complex security and human rights issues in business operations around the world.

As an official member of the VPSHR Initiative since 2012, TotalEnergies publishes an annual report setting out the challenges, lessons learned and good practices in implementing the VPSHR. The Company considers compliance with internationally recognized human rights standards in its security operations a priority.

See TotalEnergies’ VPSHR annual reports

VPSHR 2023
(pdf - 4.98 MB)

VPSHR 2022(pdf - 12.19 MB)

VPSHR 2021(pdf - 3.88 MB)

VPSHR 2020(pdf - 1.32 MB)

VPSHR 2019(pdf - 1.76 MB)

VPSHR 2018(pdf - 1.24 MB)

VPSHR 2017(pdf - 814 KB)

VPSHR 2016(pdf - 1.27 MB)

VPSHR 2015(pdf - 3.53 MB)


Human Rights - UNGP

Present in close to 130 countries, TotalEnergies is committed to respecting internationally recognized Human Rights wherever the Company operates.

In July 2016, TotalEnergies published its Human Rights Briefing Paper becoming the first Oil & Gas company to report on the basis of the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework of February 2015. In line with this framework, the Company has identified its Human Rights salient issues and explained how it manages these risks.

Updated in 2024, the Human Rights Briefing Paper sets out in detail the Company's approach, commitments and actions with regard to Human Rights, wherever it operates, for the period 2018-2023.

Download the Human Rights Briefing Paper 2024 (pdf - 16 MB)

Access the 2018 version of the Human Rights Briefing Paper (pdf - 9,32 MB)


TotalEnergies is a member of the IPIECA ("International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association”), an international association aimed at promoting environmental and social issues within the industry.

IPIECA was established following a request from the then newly established United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1974, for the oil and gas industry to form channels of communication with UNEP.

The work of IPIECA is supported by a number of specialist working groups through which members actively participate. These groups draw on the skills and experience of IPIECA's international membership and operate with support from the IPIECA secretariat. IPIECA represents half the world’s oil and gas production.

IPIECA helps the oil and gas industry improve their environmental and societal performance by:

  • developing, sharing and promoting sound practices and solutions;
  • enhancing and communicating knowledge and understanding;
  • engaging members and others in the industry;
  • working in partnership with key stakeholders.

IPIECA provides a Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry. Besides, for the calculation of Scope 3 GHG emissions, the Company follows the oil and gas industry reporting guidelines published by IPIECA which comply with the GHG Protocol methodologies, in particular with the “Estimating petroleum industry value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions” guideline.