Developing Biogas, a Low-carbon, Renewable and Local Energy Source


Active across the entire biogas value chain, from developing projects through to marketing this renewable gas and its derivatives, we are set on our ambition of becoming a world-class player in this sector in France, Europe and key international markets, such as the United States.

What is biogas?

Biogas is a renewable gas produced by the anaerobic digestion (fermentation) of organic plant or animal waste collected from farmers, the food industry and local authorities.

Once purified, biogas becomes biomethane, a gas that has the same properties as natural gas and which can therefore be injected into distribution networks or used as an alternative fuel for land and sea transport (bioNGV or bioLNG). The digestate, a by-product of anaerobic digestion, can be used as a high added-value organic fertilizer instead of synthetic fertilizers.

The biogas sector is making a full contribution to the objectives of the energy transition, namely the development of renewable energies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of the circular economy.

Becoming a world-class player in the sector

Our ambition is to become a world-class player in biogas in Europe and key international markets. To achieve that aim, we are working alongside innovative and market-leading partners.

TotalEnergies and biogas in France

In addition to being a transitional energy, biogas contributes to securing the gas supply of France and Europe. By developing a local industry, the production of biogas helps strengthen the continent’s energy autonomy. Following the acquisition of Fonroche Biogaz in April 2021, we became the French leader in biogas. We are continuing to develop the sector in France, from producing to marketing finished products, through several agreements and partnerships.

Our biogas news and projects in France

TotalEnergies and biogas in Europe and elsewhere in the world

Poland represents Europe’s fourth-largest potential for biogas and biomethane production, estimated at close to 100 TWh/year(1). By acquiring Polska Grupa Biogazowa (PGB) in March 2023, we have secured a leading position in this promising market. We are accelerating the sector’s development in the United States, especially through joint-ventures with market-leading players, such as Clean Energy and Vanguard Renewables.

(1) Source: Gas For Climate (July 2022).

Our biogas news and projects in France and elsewhere in the world